1Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Joseph Dougherty, [4–10 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To Jo s Dougherty D r D –cts To 40 30 bushels oats a 40 cts per bushel 12...
2Students of Jefferson College to Thomas Jefferson, 4 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
As you now retire from the great theatre of political action, after having spent a number of...
3Thomas Jefferson’s Memoranda to James Madison, [ca. 4–11 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
Memoranda for the President. Information having been recieved in October last that many intruders...
4Margaret Bayard Smith’s Account of Madison’s Inauguration and Ball, [4 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
On the morning of Mr Madison ’s inauguration, he asked Mr Jefferson to ride in his carriage with...
5Citizens of Washington, D.C., to Thomas Jefferson, 4 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
The Citizens of Washington cannot forego the last opportunity, which may, perhaps ever occur, to...
6Thomas Jefferson to the Citizens of Washington, D.C., 4 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieve with peculiar gratification the affectionate address of the citizens of Washington ,...
7Thomas Jefferson to John Benson, 5 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved last night your favor of the 3 d and am very sensible of the kind wishes of my friends...
8John Norvell to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Your liberality and goodness will pardon the liberty I take in addressing this note to you....
9James Ronaldson to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I was favored with your’s accompanying the wool , on the 21 st ult ; and have delayed answering...
10Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
This will be handed you by mr Coles , the bearer of public dispatches, by an Aviso . he has lived...
11Republicans of Georgetown to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
The republicans and friends of the late administration, of George Town , animated by the purest...
12Thomas Gimbrede to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
M r Gimbrede has the honor to offer to M r Jefferson a Little Sketch in Cameo , which if he...
13Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved safely your letter of May 30. & with it your astronomical work & Political essay on...
14Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Presidential Appointments, [ca. 6 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
candidates Sec retary of State War Missisi pi Gov r v. Williams Holmes .
15Nathaniel Rochester and William L. Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
In conformity to a resolution entered into by the republican Citizens of Washington County in the...
16Margaret Bayard Smith to Thomas Jefferson, [by 6 March 1809] [document added in digital edition] (Jefferson Papers)
I have seen in your Cabinet, a Geranium , which I understood you cultivated with your own hands....
17Thomas Jefferson to Margaret Bayard Smith, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful salutations to mrs Smith, and sends her the Geranium she...
18Thomas Jefferson to Samuel H. Smith, 6 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Smith to print for him 100. copies of the within letter each...
19Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Circular to Office Seekers, [ca. 6 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
THE friendship which has long subsisted between the President of the United States and myself...
20Thomas Jefferson’s Account with John Barnes, 7 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
The President of the UStates To John Barnes , 1809. Feb y 8 th for 12 lb dipt Candles @ 20 d 1 0
21Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Gimbrede, 7 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gimbrede and his thanks for the very elegant Cameo...
22William Ray to Thomas Jefferson, 7 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
On the 28 th of Dec r last , I received your letter of the 14 th in which you are pleased to...
23Thomas Jefferson to the Republicans of Georgetown, 8 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
The affectionate address of the Republicans of George Town on my retirement from public duty, is...
24Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Joseph Milligan, [8–10 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
Thomas Jefferson Esq r 1807 To Joseph Milligan November 7 th To 1 Malthus on population—2 vols...
25Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 8 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
It is with much concern I inform you that the Senate has negatived your appointment. we thought...
26Thomas Jefferson to John Threlkeld, 8 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Threlkeld and takes the liberty of asking a few...
27John Threlkeld to Thomas Jefferson, [8 March 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
M r Threlkeld sends M r Jefferson three English Mulberys on American ones, & five Peach Apricots...
28Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Expenses, 9 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
D 1809. Mar. 9. Balance at the bank in favor of Th: Jefferson 2291. 77½ a warrant from the...
29Thomas Claxton to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
The Bearer , one of my Sons attends with the List of furniture to aid M r La Mare in the Delivery...
30Richard Harrison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
R. Harrison presents his respectful compliments to M r Jefferson , and has the honor to inform...