1To John Adams from Samuel Barrett, 1 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
On Advice of my very excellent Friend the hon be Mr Bowdoin I inclose you Copies of my Letter to...
2From John Adams to James Lovell, 4 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
By the last post I was favoured with yours of the twenty first of May: M r Duncan I presume has...
3To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 4 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I find you, & I must agree , NOT to disagree , or we must cease to discuss political questions. I...
4From John Adams to Jeremy Belknap, 5 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have this Evening received, your favour of May 30 th. inclosed with a Sermon at the...
5From John Adams to Richard Peters, 5 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Yesterday I had the Pleasure of receiving your Letter of the 28 th. of May. M r Beals Intention...
6To John Adams from Thomas Brand Hollis, 6 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
your long silence gave me much uneasiness but I endeavour’d, to assign a thousand reasons which...
7To John Adams from William Tudor, 6 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
That I was right in my Position “that a considerable Time must elapse before the united States...
8From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 9 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
No! You and I will not cease to discuss political questions: but We will agree to disagree ,...
9To John Adams from James Searle, 10 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I was duely favoured with your obliging letter of the 15 th. of last Month and feel myself not a...
10To John Adams from James Sullivan, 10 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
The Communicating our Sentiments to men in power, when done with the respect due to their...
11From John Adams to Samuel Barrett, 11 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me on the first of this month with its...
12From John Adams to James Bowdoin, 11 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have recieved the Letter you did me, the honour to write me, on the 30. of May: but have not...
13From John Adams to William Tudor, 12 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Your Letters put me more and more out of Patience every Post.— Why, in that of the 6 th. do you...
14From John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 12 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
The last Evenings Post favoured me with yours of the 6 th . Many Gentlemen are in favour of a...
15To John Adams from C.W.F. Dumas, 13 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
L’affection dont vous m’avez honoré pendant votre séjour en Europe, & les sentimens inaltérables...
16To John Adams from Joseph Mandrillon, 15 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Le tems peut sans doute avoir detruit le souvenir dont vous m’honoriez, lorsque les interêts...
17To John Adams from Eliphalet Pearson, 15 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
President Willard having resigned the office of corresponding secretary to the American Academy...
18To John Adams from Richard Peters, 15 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I am honoured with yours of the 5 th. instant I thank you for your kind & polite Offers of...
19To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 15 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have been so long accustomed to regard all your opinions upon goverment with reverence, that I...
20To John Adams from Jabez Bowen, 16 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I Returned yesterday from attending the Gen l Assembly, the great matters on which the in s. &...
21From John Adams to Richard Peters, 18 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Success you say, in yours of the 15 th. stamps a substantial value upon measures, Yet the Motto...
22From John Adams to James Searle, 18 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have received your Letter of the 10 th. and in answer to your question, I have no scruple to...
23From John Adams to James Sullivan, 18 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have received your favour of the 10 th. and am obliged to you for a free Communication of Your...
24From John Adams to Benjamin Lincoln, 19 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I am honoured with yours of the 30 th. of May, and find We are well agreed in opinion in all...
25From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 19 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Your Single Principle, in your Letter of the 15 th must fail you.— You say “that Republican...
26From John Adams to George Washington, 20 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
Among the Candidates for the Honour of public Employment, under the New Government there is one,...
27To John Adams from William Tudor, 21 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I thank you for correcting my careless Appellation of federal Republic as applied to the National...
28From John Adams to Jabez Bowen, 26 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I received your letter of June. 16: and am glad to learn that you “gain a little.” If as I have...
29From John Adams to Uzal Ogden, 26 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me, on the twefth of this month, with...
30From John Adams to Eliphalet Pearson, 26 June 1789 (Adams Papers)
By my Son Charles, who arrived Yesterday, in good Health, I received the Letter you did me, the...