1 st None shall be admitted (unless by a particular Act of the Governors) but such as can read...
2Peter Jay to David Peloquin, 16 May 1762 (Jay Papers)
I had the honour of writing to you the 12 Decemb: & 6 feb. last, and have since received your...
3Samuel Johnson to Peter Jay, 24 September 1762 (Jay Papers)
In a Letter I had lately from the Archbishop of Canterbury, he expressed some Wonderment that the...
4To John Jay from Peter Jay, early 1763 (Jay Papers)
You may read my Letter that covers this, to your Aunts Depeyster & Chambers, to prevent any...
5Peter Jay to James Jay, 15 February 1763 (Jay Papers)
My last was the 15 ult o ., and have since received your letters of the 30 Sept., 5 Octob: & 6...
1 Each person, to be admitted, shall be able to give a rational account of the Latin & Greek...
7Peter Jay to James Jay, 14 April 1763 (Jay Papers)
Since my last of the 15 th . Feb:, I have received your Letters of the 28 Nov r & 8 January— the...
8Peter Jay to David Peloquin, 14 April 1763 (Jay Papers)
My last was the 15 th February and I have now before me your kind favours of the 18 th . Novemb r...
9David Peloquin to Peter Jay, 26 July-6 August 1763 (Jay Papers)
I was duly favoured with yours of 14th of April last, with an inclosed for Sir James Jay which I...
10To John Jay from Peter Jay, 9 August 1763 (Jay Papers)
it’s very long since I’ve recd: any Letters from you. I recd: last Post a Letter from Doctr:...