From George Washington to Charles Pettit, 9 December 1783
9 December 1783
The perfect establishment of American Independence is indeed an event of such infinite importance as to fill the mind with gratitude & joy; and afford the fairest occasion for mutual congratulations.
The honorable sentiments you are pleased to express respecting the Merits of the Army, the just idea you entertain of their bravery, sufferings, and magnanimity; and the honest desire you manifest of making an adequate compensation for their Services; are circumstances highly satisfactory to me, as well as extremely flattering to the gallant men who are more immediately concerned. And I must take the liberty to add, that the punctuality of the Merchants & other Citizens of Philadelphia in raising their proportion of Taxes for the support of the war, and their chearfulness in affording every other assistance in their power, are marks of Patriotism which deserve the warmest acknowledgements.
I am happy in having one more opportunity of expressing the personal obligations I feel myself under to you Gentlemen, for your favorable opinion & for the present as well as for every former instance of your polite attention.
Having long since been convinced of the expediency & even necessity of rendering compleat justice to all the public Creditors; and having at the same time been impressed with a belief that the good sense of my Countrymen would ultimately induce them to comply with the requisitions of Congress—I could not avoid being greatly pleased with the Example set by the State of Pennsylvania; nor can I conceal my satisfaction at finding your sentiments coincide so exactly with my own. Let us flatter ourselves, that the day is not remote, when a wise and just system of polity will be adopted by every State in the Union; then will national faith be inviolably preserved, public credit durably established, the blessings of Commerce extensively diffused and the reputation of our new-formed Empire supported with as much Eclat as has been acquired in laying the foundation of it.
DLC: Papers of George Washington.