To George Washington from Annis Boudinot Stockton, 28 August 1783
Morven August the 28th 1783
With all thy Countries Blessings on thy head
And all the glory that Encircles Man,
Thy martial fame to distant nations spread
And realms unblest by freedoms genial plan
Address’d by Statsmen Legislatures kings
Rever’d by thousands as you pass along
While Every Muse with ardour spreads her wings
To greet our Heroe in immortal Song:
Say, Can a female Voice an audience gain
And Stop a moment thy triumphal Car
And will thou listen to a peaceful Strain:
Unskill’d to paint the horrid Scenes of war
Tho oft the muse with rapture heard thy name
And placed thee foremost on the Sacred Scroll
With patriots who had gain’d Eeternal fame
By wonderous deeds that penetrate the soul
Yet what is glory what are martial deeds
Unpurified at Virtues awful Shrine
And oft remorse a glorious day Succeeds
The motive only Stamps the deed devine
But thy last legacy renowned chief
Has deck’d thy brow with honours more Sublime
Twin’d in thy wreath the christians firm belief
And nobly own’d thy faith to future time
Thus crown’d return to Vernons soft retreat
There with Amanda taste unmixed Joy
May flowers Spontaneous rise beneath your feet
Nor sorrow Ever pour her hard alloy
May nature paint those blissful walks more gay
And rural graces haunt the peaceful grove
May angels gaurd you in your lonely way
And prompt the path to brighter scenes above
And oh if happly in your native shade
One thought of Jersey Enters in your mind
Forget not her: on morvens humble glade
Who feels for you a friendship most refin’d.
DLC: Papers of George Washington.