George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Jacob Duché, 10 August 1783

Head Quarters 10th Augst 1783


I have received your Letter of the 2d of April—and reflecting on its Contents, I cannot but say that I am heartily sorry for the Occasion which has produced it—personal Enmity I bear none, to any Man—so far therefore as your Return to this Country depends on my private Voice, it would be given in favor of it with chearfulness But removed as I am from the people & the policy of the State in which you formerly resided, to whose determination your case must be submitted, It is my Duty whatevr may be my Inclinatn to leave its Decision to its constitutional Judges—should this be agreeable to your wishes it cannot fail to meet my entire approbation. I am &c.

Go: Washington

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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