To George Washington from Meshech Weare, 5 June 1782
Hampton falls June 5th 1782
From various Reports and Concuring Circumstances there has long been a Suspicion that a traiterous Correspondence was carried on between some persons in Vermont so Called, and some Brittish Officers in Canada—By information I have just Receiv’d by Capt. Bailey, this matter seems to be put beyond Doubt, And it Appear’d to me highly proper that your Excellency should be immediately inform’d, of what Intelligence has been gain’d Respecting this Matter.
Capt. Bailey waits on you for this purpose, And will lay before your Excellency, All the information hitherto Obtaind, which is chiefly gain’d by Mr Johnson, who by all the information I have from persons of Character and Reputation, Appears to be Honest and Sincere, and his information to be depended on. His Situation is Critical, And so is that of the People in those parts. If an Exchange could be Obtaind for Mr Johnson, I apprehend it might be of great Service, And more full Discoveries made. Capt. Bailey can give more full Information Respecting the Situation Mr Johnson and the People are in. I have the Honor to be With every Sentiment of Respect Yr Excellency’s Most Obt & Humle Sert
Meshech Weare
DLC: Papers of George Washington.