George Washington Papers

General Orders, 28 October 1781

Head Quarters near York Sunday October 28 1781

Parole Paris
Countersigns Brest Toulon

For the Day Tomorrow

Brigadier General Clinton

Colonel Richard Butler

Major Roxburgh

Brigade Major Fullerton

General Hazen’s Brigade for Guard and fatigue duty in York and General Wayne’s Brigade for levelling the works tomorrow.

After Orders

Detail of Guards to mount daily in York untill further orders.

Main Guard   1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 30
Ravine do. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 30
Hornwork " 1. 2. 2. " 25
Magazine " 1. 2. 2 " 24
Left Redoubt " 1, 1. 2 " 20
Robinson’s house " 1. 1. 1 " 20
Commissary General’s " 1. 1. 1 " 20
Okely’s Store " 1. 1. 1 " 12
Quartermaster general " " 1 1 " 12
Provision Guard " " 1 " " 6

The above Guards are to be formed on the Brigade parade and posted on the right of the Brigade previous to its marching.

A man to be sent every morning from each guard in York to the Gate by which the guards enter the town to conduct the relief for their respective guards.

At a Brigade General Court martial whereof Major Hollinshead is President.

George Leadbetter charged with Desertion to and being found in arms with the enemy was tried and found Guilty being a breach of the 6th Section—Article 1st—of the rules and Articles of war—and Sentenced to Suffer Death.

The Commander in Chief approves the Sentence of the Court.

The Court Martial whereof Colonel Cortlandt is President is dissolved and another ordered to assemble at ten o’clock tomorrow morning of which Colonel Ogden is appointed President.

Lieutenant Colonel Barber, Major Wyllys, two Captains from Muhlenberg’s, two Captains from Hazen’s, two Captains from Dayton’s, one Captain from Clinton’s, two Captain’s from Wayne’s and one Captain from Gists Brigades will attend as Members of the Court martial to try such prisoners as may be brought before them.

A Serjeant from each Division to attend, orderly to the Court.

All Evidences and persons concerned are requested to attend.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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