George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Silvanus Seely, 21 August 1781

Kings Ferry Augt 21st 1781


I shall not be able to reach Springfield, with the Army, as soon as I expected—for which Reason I desire you will continue to perform the Duties I directed Colo. Dayton to enjoin on you, till you hear further from me—or from Genl Lincoln by my Order.

When the French Army have crossed the River & the whole are ready to take up a proper Line of March, you will be informed of it, & will be directed to proceed towards Springfield in such a Manner as will best correspond with the general Movement.

I beg you will be pointed in observing these Directions—that you will keep a good lookout, by Land & Water—towards York Island—& informs me of every Thing that stirs worthy Notice—and of the Intelligence you may get from thence if it is of Importance sufficient to comunicate it by Express. I am &c.


DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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