George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, 17 August 1781

August 17th 1781


Upon a full consideration of all circumstances I am of opinion, that the march of the French Army under your command had better be by the following Route, and on the following days.

Sunday. 19th to North Castle   14 Miles.
Monday, 20th to Kings Ferry 18 Do.
Allowing for the common chances of Winds and Weather, it may take ’till
Thursday 22nd to cross the North River.
Friday 23d to Suffrans 16 Miles
Saturday 24. to Pumpton Meetg Ho. 14 Do
Sunday—25. to Whippany 15
Monday 26 to Bullions Tavern 15
Tuesday—27 to Somerset Ct House 14
Wednesday 28 to Princeton— 14
Thursday 29 to Trenton— 12.

I have named no halting day because we have not a moment to lose—and because the Troops will more than probably, be detained sometime at Trenton—but if you should think it absolutely necessary, Whippany will be a good place for a halt; as there is a good road leading from thence through Chatham (five Miles distant) to Elizabeth Town and Staten Island.

After crossing the North River, Your Excellency may, if you should prefer it, march by Brigades. With every sentiment of esteem and personal attachment I am Your Excellencys Most Obedt Servant.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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