To George Washington from Jacob Gerhard Diriks, 21 May 1781
Philadelphia May 21st 1781
I can not neglect to acquaint Your Excellency that in Consequence of the Present war between my native Country and England, I have at last got my bussiness settled in Congress, and obtained permission to return home to Holland, in about two days I Expect to embark on board of the french frigate the Harmoine, Commanded by the Chevalier La Touche, bound to Newport in order to take a passage from there to Europe.
if your Excellency have any Commands shall be happy to Execute it; the Bearer Mr Erkelens a gentleman from Holland has promised me, if your Excell: please to send any letters to see the same forwarded to Newport.
May the happy period soon arrive which will afford me the pleasure of congratulating these United States and my Country upon a firm and lasting alliance. Recommanding your Excellency in the protexter of Divine Providence, and have the honor to be with the Greatest Respect; Sir Your Excellency Most obedt and Humble Servant
J:G: Diriks
DLC: Papers of George Washington.