From George Washington to Zebulon Butler, 19 April 1781
Head Quarters New Windsor April 19th 1781
Upon the receipt of this, you will instantly set out for the Army, and join your Regt as expeditiously as possible—This Order you will consider as explicit and peremptory—and not to be dispensed with, on any pretext whatever—No permission, for further absence can be of any avail, from any authority inferior to that of Congress.
It is represented to me that there are some few of the Inhabitants of Wyoming belonging to the Continental service now at home, the circumstances of whose families are very peculiarly distressing, those under this predicament, may remain until the pleasure of Congress is known, but the remainder must be forwarded to the Army, without delay—And you will be pleased to report to me upon Your arrival the number & circumstances of all these Men. I am Sir—Your Most Obed. Servt.
DLC: Papers of George Washington.