George Washington Papers

General Orders, 19 April 1781

Tuesday April 19th 1781

Parole [          ]
Countersigns [          ]

The Commander in Chief considering the scarcity of Hospital stores and the advanced season thinks proper to order a discontinuance of inoculation in the army.

The prevent the small pox spreading amongst the recruits that may hereafter join the utmost care is to be taken to prevent their mixing with those who have lately had that disorder. He therefore directs that the patients now at the small pox hospital and those who are employed to attend the sick may be prevented from straggling to their corps and all such as do not now belong to the hospital from going to it on any pretence untill the surgeons report that all danger of infection ceases; if notwithstanding these precautions any person should be seized with the small pox he or she is to be immediately removed to the Hospital.

The court of enquiry ordered by Major General Heath the 14th instant to investigate the conduct of Captain Pope during his late command escorting prisoners of war to Easton (whereof Colonel Michael Jackson was president) having minutely enquired into Captain Pope’s conduct on that occasion are of opinion it is commendable and that of a good officer.

The Commander in Chief approves the opinion of the Court.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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