From George Washington to James Clinton, 12 April 1781
Head Quarters New Windsor 12th April 1781.
Dear Sir
I have received your favor of the 5th by Mr Gamble. Nothing gives me greater pain than being obliged to hear daily complaints, which I know are well grounded, from every quarter, and not having it in my power to redress them. Mr Gamble informs me that about 100 Barrels of Salt Meat, which were at Barrington, are upon the way to Claverac. These will be a temporary supply. In the mean time, I have written in the most pressing manner to the Governor of Connecticut to assist the Quarter Master in forwarding the salt provision in that State, which is considerable, to the North River. If we can get it there, it will be easily transported thence to Albany.
I shall endeavour to have a further supply, purposely for Fort schuyler, sent to you in this month, as I observe it is barely provisioned to the middle of next. Mr Gamble tells me that he is not much fearful of being able to obtain a sufficiency of Flour. If you can get any of that before hand, it will be well to send it up to Fort Schuyler when ever proper opportunities offer.
I have at a variety of times represented to the Board of War the decline of the Armoury at Albany, and they have as often assured me that they have it not in their power to furnish the means of supporting it.
A small supply of Stores was sent up a few days past to the Hospital. I am with great Esteem Dear Sir Yr most obt and humble Servt
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