From George Washington to William Heath, 7 April 1781
New Windsor 7th Apl 1781
Dear Sir,
I have received and thank you for your information of this date. To guard against Assassination (which I neither expect, nor dread) is impossible—but I have not been without my apprehensions of the other attempt—Not from the enemy at New York—but the Tories & disaffected of this place; who might, in the Night, carry me off in my own Boat and all be ignorant of it till the Morning. If the Water at Night is well guarded, I shall be under no apprehension of attempts of this kind. I am Dr Sir Yr most Obedt Ser[t]
Go: Washington
P.S. I shall be obliged to you to thank Judge Lawrence, & desire him to thank Mr Beckman, for the information given.
MHi: Heath Papers.