From George Washington to William Thornton, 26 November 1799
To William Thornton
Mount Vernon Novr 26th 1799
Dear Sir,
For, and on account of Mr Blagden, I enclose you a Post note of the Bank of Columbia, for ninety three dollars forty three cents, and a check on the Bank of Alexandria for nine hundred and six dollars and fifty seven cents. Together, amounting to one thousand dollars, requested by Mr Blagden. With esteem and regard I am Dear Sir Your Obedt Humble Servt
Go: Washington
Let me request the favour of you to desire Mr Blagden to give me the number and sizes of the Rooms in my Houses in the City. frequent enquiries are made of me concerning them without my being able to satisfy the Enquiror.1
ALS (letterpress copy), NN: Washington Papers. The postscript was added after the letterpress copy was made.
1. On 30 Nov. Thornton sent George Blagdin’s list of the rooms in GW’s Capitol Hill houses. See GW to Thornton, 1 December.