George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Thornton, 1 August 1799

To William Thornton

Mount Vernon 1st Augt 1799

Dear Sir,

I shall be obliged to you for letting Mr Blagden know, that I forsee nothing, at present, that will prevent my being at the Union Tavern in George Town on Monday next (the 5th instant) by eleven Oclock. When & where, if he will attend I shall be provided with, & ready to pay him, a thousand Dollars in Columbia Notes.1

I thank you for the information, & sentiments given in your last favour of the 19th Ulto, which came duly to hand; and for your kind invitation to lodge at your House: but as the same cause which takes me up, will, at least ought to carry Mr Law there also, one, if not both the families at whose Houses I usually lodge will be there. With very great esteem & regard—I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

ALS (letterpress copy), NN: Washington Papers; copy, DLC: Thornton Papers. The copy in the Thornton Papers was used to confirm the reading of the very faint portions of the letterpress copy.

1An entry in GW’s Day Book for 5 Aug. reads: “By Cash pd Mr Blagden through Doctr Thornton—on a/c of my building. $1000.”

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