From George Washington to William Thornton, 16 June 1799
To William Thornton
Mount Vernon 16th June 1799
Dear Sir,
Your favor of the 5th instant came duly to hand.
Mr Blagdens last call for $1000 is, I must acknowledge, sooner than I had contemplated; but I will make arrangements with the Bank of Alexandria to meet it by the first of next month. If his progress in the buildings, & faithful execution of the work, keep pace with his demands (and this is all I require) he shall have no cause to complain of my payments.1
It would seem by a letter I have lately received from a Gentleman in Baltimore, to which place the Glass from Boston had (in the first instance) been sent, that a wrong box from the former, had been sent to Alexan[dri]a; and that the right one would follow by the first conveyance; requesting a return of the mistaken one. If it should have got into Mr Blagdens hands—pray request him to forwd it to Colo. Gilpin2—Yrs Obediently
Go: Washington
ALS, DLC: Thornton Papers; ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW.
1. See Thornton to GW, 5–6 June, and note 1 of that document, and GW to Thornton, 2 July.
2. Benjamin Lincoln’s letter to GW about the glass is dated 4 June and is printed in Lincoln to GW, 3 April 1799, n.1.