George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Andrew, Catherine, and William Ramsay, 23 February 1799

To Andrew, Catherine, and William Ramsay

Mount Vernon 23d Feb. 1799

General & Mrs Washington present their Compliments to Mr Andw Ramsay, Mrs Ramsay and Mr Willm Ramsay and request the favour of their Company to dine on Tuesday next, with the couple Newly Married.

An answer is requested.

AL (photocopy), DLC:GW.

William and Andrew Ramsay were merchants in Alexandria. They were the twin sons of Patrick and Elizabeth Ramsay. Andrew was the husband of Catherine Graham Ramsay (d. 1844), daughter of Richard Graham (d. 1796) and Jane Brent Graham. GW records in his diary that the three of them dined at Mount Vernon on 26 Feb., a snowy day, along with the twin’s sister Eliza Ramsay Potts, William Hodgson, and three Lee siblings: Mary Lee Fendall, Edmund Jennings Lee, and Lucy Lee (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 6:336).

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