George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Blagdin, 18 October 1798

From George Blagdin

Commissrs Office [Washington] Octr 18th 1798


The Commissioners handed me your letter of the 17th this morning,1 in which you propose providing Glass—Painting & Ironmongery yourself—and allow for the residue 10,500 d. which sum I think too little. having revis’d the Estimate with the greatest care—The lowest terms that I cou’d possably engauge on is 11,000 dollors, for which sum I will undertake to do the work in a compleate & workmanlike manner.2 I am Sir Your Obedt humbe Servt

Geo. Blagdin3

ALS, ViMtvL.

1The commissioners wrote GW on this day: “We are favored with yours of the 17th and have conversed with Blagdin on the subject, who writes you, we presume, his ultimate determination” (DGW).

2Blagdin went to Mount Vernon on 26 Oct., where he and GW agreed on specifications and terms. For the terms, see GW to District of Columbia Commissioners, 27 Oct., n.3.

3Originally from Yorkshire, England, George Blagdin (Blagden; d. 1826) was for many years superintendent of the stonemasons working on the Capitol building. He was also at various times an alderman, a vestryman for Washington parish, and a director of the Bank of Washington.

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