From George Washington to William Jones and the Philadelphia Board of Health, 10 September 1798
To William Jones and the Philadelphia Board of Health
Mount Vernon 10th Sepr 1798
Among those who commiserate the afflicted Citizens of Philadelphia, I beg you to be persuaded that none do it with more sincerity, or with more feeling than I do—and the poignancy is very much increased by the declaration of the malignancy of the fever, & difficulty of cure.
That I may contribute my mite towards the relief of the suffering and unfortunate poor of that place, I enclose two Post notes of one hundred dollars each. You will be so good as to inform me by a line of their getting to hand, which is all the notice I wish to be taken of the donation.1 I am Gentlemen Your Most Obedt and Very Hble Servant
Go: Washington
ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW. GW indicated that his letter was addressed to “Mr Jones—and Board of Managers,” and he docketed the letterpress copy: “To Mr Wm Jones—& the Manager of the Board of Health Philada.”
William Jones (1760–1831) served in the Pennsylvania forces both on land and on sea during the Revolution. He at this time was a merchant in Philadelphia. A member of Congress from 1801 to 1803, Jones later was in James Madison’s cabinet and became first president of the Second U.S. Bank.
1. William Jones wrote to GW from the “Health Office Philada Septr 17th 1798”: “Sir The Board of Managers of the Marine and City Hospitals have received your esteemed favor of the 10th Instant covering your generous donation of 200 Dollars for the relief of our suffering fellow citizens, accompanied with those benevolent sentiments which you have never ceased to evince. The comiseration of humane and virtuous men is no inconsiderable alleviation in the hour of affliction; and that poignancy of feeling which the sufferings of our Citizens has excited in your breast, is the exclusive attainment of virtue and sensibility. Accept Sir the profound respect and esteem of men who have long been accustomed to revere your character. By order and on behalf of the Board of Managers I am Sir Yours very respectfully Wm Jones President” (DLC:GW).