George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 9 August 1798

From Timothy Pickering

Department of State [Philadelphia] Augt 9. 1798.


I do myself the honor to send herewith a copy of the acts of Congress of the extraordinary session in 1797, and of the late session. I have not had them bound, because it will be proper to connect those of the ensuing session with them.1 I am with great respect sir your most obt servt

Timothy Pickering


1The Acts of Congress for the May 1797 session perhaps was one of the volumes of the acts owned by GW which were sold in 1876 (Griffin, Boston Athenæum Washington Collection, description begins Appleton P. C. Griffin, comp. A Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athenæum. Cambridge, Mass., 1897. description ends 533–34).

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