George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Augustine Washington, 12 September 1796

From William Augustine Washington

Haywood1 [Va.] Sept. 12th 1796

My Dr Unkle

Wishing to make a remittance to Judge Phillips, for the use of my Sons, I dispatched my Steward with the inclosed Letters to Fredericksbg with 150 Dollars Alexandria Bank Notes, desiring him to exchange them for Bank Notes of the United States, which he was not able to accomplish in the Towns of Port Royal, Fredericksbg, Falmouth or Dumfries, he brought back my Letter & Money—As you were so obliging as to say you would make Remittances for me, “the means being put into your hands”; I have taken the Liberty of Inclosing you, with the inclosed Letters, 150 Dollars Notes of the Bank of Alexandria, and shall esteem it a particular favr if you will exchange them for United States, or a Bill on Boston, and remit it with the inclosed Letter to Judge Phillips—I have in my Letter to Judge Phillips taken the Liberty of mentioning that the remittance would now be made thro’ you, mentioning at the same time my disappointment—I do not know whether he is in advance or not for me, having made a remittance of 200 Dollars this Spring—& when I left Boston I had paid up in advance for their schooling & Board, & left some Money with Judge Phillips for their necessary supplys, but I would allways wish to keap Money in his hands, so that he should never be in advance for me.2

Our relation Mrs Mildred Lee, is no more, I have just recd a Letter from Mr Corbin Washington informing me that she expired the 8th Inst.

It give me much pleasure to hear that you & Mrs Washington enjoy good health, which may you long continue to do is the fervent prayer of My Dr sir Your Affectionate Nephew

Wm Augt. Washington


1Haywood was William Augustine Washington’s estate in Westmoreland County.

2Augustine Washington (c.1780–1797) and Bushrod Washington, Jr. (1785–1830) attended Phillips Academy at Andover, Massachusetts.

William Augustine Washington had written Samuel Phillips from Haywood on 2 Sept.: “Your favr of the 30 th of May I recd about five weeks past, and the one of July the 20th with a Copy of the former about five days since, the first would have been answered before this; but my old & Cruel companion the Gout has confined me to my Room & Bed for about five weeks past so that I am but just able now to hobble a little upon my Crutches.

“I have to return you many thanks, and shall ever consider myself under the strongest obligations to you for your care, and earnest solicitude for the welfare of my Sons …

“With this you will receive One Hundred and fifty Dollars. …

“P.S. being disappointed in Exchanging Alexandria Notes for United States—I have inclosed them with Letter to the President and requested of him to make the remittance” (MAnP).

GW replied to William Augustine Washington on 28 Sept. (PPRF); see also GW to Phillips, same date (MAnP).

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