George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Asher Hart, 31 December 1795

From Asher Hart

Kingston Jamaica 31st Decr 95


As your Excellency no doubt wishes, to Know the result, of the Negociations with Great Britain, as soon as possible,

I have the Honor, to enclose to your Excellency, the within paragraph, from the Kingston Papers.1

The news arrived, yesterday, by the ship Brazillai, from London. I have the Honor to be your Excellency’s Most obedient and Humble Servant

Asher Hart

ALS, DLC:GW. GW’s docket on this letter incorrectly reports the year as 1796.

1The enclosed clipping, which is with the letter in DLC:GW, reports the exchange of the ratifications of the Jay Treaty at London on 28 October.

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