To George Washington from John William Bronaugh, 18 October 1795
From John William Bronaugh
Aquia [Va.] 18th Octor 1795
Dear Sir
I have taken the liberty of enclosing to you a letter from my Father, which I hoped to have had the honor of delivering myself but was prevented by your leaving Mount Vernon sooner than I expected1—The patent and bond mentioned in my Fathers letter, would not be of any service to me in effecting a sale and I can at any time hereafter get them, your certificate would be of infinite service to me, and I therefore trust you will inform me by letter whatever you may know respecting the land—I shall remain in Baltimore for eight or ten days where you will be so good as to direct to me—I am with great respect Yr most obt Hum. Servt
John W. Bronaugh
John William Bronaugh (1772–1834) was in the process of dissolving a mercantile partnership (John W. Bronaugh and Co.) at Aquia.
1. William Bronaugh (1730–1800), who served as a lieutenant in the Fort Necessity campaign and as captain in the Virginia Regiment formed in 1755 under GW’s command, was at this time a Loudoun County planter. His letter to GW of 17 Oct. reads: “My Son John W. Bronaugh who will hand you this waits on you for the Patent of the land you obtained for me on the great Kanhawa. My Son is going on to the northward, and is anxious to make sale of the lands I hold in the back country. You will therefore greatly oblige me in giving him every information respecting this land in your power, a certificate from you stating the quality of the land, wou’d be of great service to him in effecting a Sale. As I have conveyed the land you were to have from me agreeable to your directions, be kind enough to deliver him my Bond” (ALS, DLC:GW). About the land patent, see GW to William Bronaugh, 18 Jan. 1775 ( 10:238–39).