To George Washington from Giuseppe Ceracchi, 7 May 1795
From Giuseppe Ceracchi
Philadelphia may 7. 1795
By farther information I am absolutely convinced that I have been infamousely dupped by all those persons which have been the busi body of the suscription plan, therfore I must withdrow my self from this scandalous businiss.
The summes that cost me ammount to 75000. Dallars and so disononorable expended of which 8500. since my returne.
I hope it will be find just on my part to call for the value of my works which I can’t give them as a donation, for the same reason and upon the same principles, of which those Gentilmen have withdron them self for promoting the plan therfor I take the Liberty to include the bill of there ammounte and with respectfull consideration I am Sir Your Most Obdt and Humble Servt.1
Jos. Ceracchi
1. A list of expenses sent by Ceracchi cited the “Original” bust of marble for $1,500 in addition to a marble pedestal and two heads for $82.25. Copies of Ariadne and Bacchus cost $600, for a total of $2,182.25 (D, DLC:GW).