To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., 31 May 1794
From William Deakins, Jr.
Geo. Town [Md.] May 31st 1794
I have Just receved a letter from Mr Benja. Jones, he Writes me your Part of the Rents of Woodstock1 is 4500 lb. Tobo ⅌ year. the whole of which is in the hands of the Tenants which he expects to Collect & pay into my hands by August Next. You shall then be Informed the Value of it at this Market.2 With Great Respect I am Sir Your Obt Servt
Will. Deakins Junr
ALS, DLC:GW. The words "George town June 4th" was written above the address to GW on the cover of this letter.
1. Deakins was referring to the 519–acre tract in Montgomery County, Md., that GW had acquired in April 1793 as final payment for a debt owed him by the estate of John Mercer (see Ledger C, 4). This land was one-half of Woodstock Manor, which John Francis Mercer’s wife, Sophia Sprigg Mercer, had inherited (see GW to Francis Deakins and Benjamin Jones, 8 Aug. 1792). In the schedule of property GW made for his will, he located the land "about 30 miles above the City of Washington, not far from Kittoctan" ( , 4:515).
The letter from Benjamin W. Jones has not been identified.
2. See Deakins to GW, 22 September.