George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Noah Webster, 20 April 1794

From Noah Webster

New York April 20th 1794


At the perfect critical juncture of our political affairs, it appears to be the duty of every good citizen to use his influence in restraining the violence of parties & moderating the passions of our injured fellow-citizens. For this purpose a just estimate of the Revolution in France, & the danger of faction may not be without its effects in this country, in determining the people to resist any intrigues that may be hostile to our government. The enclosed is intended to aid the cause of government & peace.1 Should it have the least influence for this purpose I shall be satisfied—Be pleased to accept it as a proof of my attachment to you & the Constitution of the United States, & believe me with sincere wishes for your personal happiness & a firm resolution to support your administration,2 Your most obedient and most hume Servant

Noah Webster, Jun.

ALS, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters.

1The enclosed pamphlet was The Revolution in France, Considered in Respect to Its Progress and Effects (New York, 1794).

2GW’s reply to Webster of 9 May reads: “I have received, though realy it has not been in my power yet to read, the Pamphlet you were so obliging as to send me. Your motives to writing it are highly laudable, and I sincerely wish they may meet the reward which is due to them. I pray you to accept my thanks for the work” (ALS [letterpress copy], NN: Washington Papers; LB, DLC:GW).

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