George Washington Papers

To George Washington from David Stuart, 6 January 1794

From David Stuart

Hope-Park [Va.]1 6th Jany 1794

Dear Sir,

Time and longer experience having fully confirmed me in the sentiments I formerly expressed on the subject of my continuance in the office of Commissioner, I have to beg, you will consider my place as vacant after the first of March next2—It was my expectation, when I last conversed with you on this subject, that I should have been able to have resigned with propriety at the expiration of the late year: but the continuance of the lottery, begun under our auspices; seems to make it necessary, that we should keep together ’till it’s termination3—It gives me great pleasure, when taking this step, to reflect that the object entrusted to our care, seems now by the tide of public opinion turning in its favor, to be secured beyond the reach of accident. I am with the greatest respect Your Affecte Servt

Dd: Stuart.


1Stuart’s home of Hope Park was located west of Alexandria near the road to Centreville and about five miles from that town.

2Stuart continued to serve as a commissioner for the District of Columbia until July 1794 (4–6, 27–31 July 1794 minutes, DNA: RG 42, Records of the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, Proceedings, 1791–1802).

3On the lottery administered by Samuel Blodget, Jr., in his capacity as superintendent of the District of Columbia and his delay in selecting and paying the winners of this lottery, see Thomas Johnson to GW, 23 Dec. 1793, and n.2 to that document.

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