George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Betty Washington Lewis, 24 September 1793

From Betty Washington Lewis

[Fredericksburg, Va.]
September 24th 1793.

my Dear Brother

the Sickness in my family has Prevented my Writing Sooner my Daughter Carter has been Extreamly ill but is at this time better and my self owing to great fatigue am Scarcely able to attend them, Harriot wishes to know what time it will be Convenient for you to send for her, was it Convenient for me to keep her I know of none that I would sooner have to live with me but my Income is so small and few Servants that I Cannot Afford it I am Oblig’d to Buy Every thing that I Eat with the addishon of sope Candles &c. in short the most trifling things made Use of in the House, and my Income so small that I find it a hard matter to live and keep out of debt it is a Confinement to me as I have only two Horses to my Carriage that I Cannot go to Visit at any distance as I have two Grand Children liveing with me that I am Oblige to Carry with me.1

I shall be glad to hear from you by the first Stage as I intend as soon as my Daughter Carter leaves this to go up the Country if this Place Continues So Sickly—the family all Join me in love to you and My Sister Washington I am Dear Brother your Affct. Sister

Betty Lewis

ALS, owned (1973) by Mr. William Claiborne Buckner, Kansas City, Missouri.

1Betty Washington Lewis was at this time helping to care for the younger children of her son Fielding Lewis, Jr., and may be referring to his daughters Ann (“Nancy”) Alexander Lewis (1787–1835) and Catherine Dade Lewis (b. 1790).

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