From George Washington to the Cabinet, 27 February 1793
To the Cabinet
[Philadelphia] Wednesday 27th Feby 1793
As the day is near at hand, when the President-elect is to take the oath of qualification, and no mode is pointed out by the constitution or law; I could wish that you, Mr Jef. Gen. K. and Mr R.,1 could meet to-morrow morning, at any place, which you may fix between yourselves; and communicate to me to the result of your opinions as to the time, place and manner of qualification.2
G. W——n
P.S. Mr Jefferson & Mr Randolph have suggested the idea of meeting at the War Office at nine oclock tomorrow morng. If this is conven[i]ent & agreeable to you, You will be there accordingly—If otherwise, you will be so good as to let me know.3
Df, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DLC:GW. The body of the draft is in Edmund Randolph’s writing; the postscript is in that of Tobias Lear.
1. In the letter-book copy this phrase reads, “you, mr Jefferson (Genl Knox, or Colo. Hamilton) and mr Randolph.” The draft is addressed, in Lear’s writing, to “Colo Hamilton” and “Genl Knox.”
2. For the opinion reached at this meeting, see Cabinet Opinion, 28 February.
3. Knox replied in a letter to GW later on this date, agreeing to the nine o’clock meeting, but written responses from the other cabinet members have not been found (DLC:GW).