To George Washington from Henry Knox, 19 December 1792
From Henry Knox
War-department, December 19th 1792.
In consequence of your directions, I have the honor to submit the draft of a letter to Governor Martin.1 I have conversed with Mr Hawkins upon the subject, who is of opinion, that scouts are all that would be requisite.2 I have the honor to be, Sir, with profound respect, Your most obedt Servt
H. Knox
1. Tobias Lear, at GW’s request, wrote Knox on 18 Dec. to transmit a letter from North Carolina governor Alexander Martin and to request “that measures may be taken by the U.S. for the protection of the frontier of that State, and to inform the Secrty that the President wishes him to report to him upon said letter as soon as he conveniently can” (DLC:GW). Martin’s letter to GW has not been found.
2. Knox’s conversation probably was with North Carolina senator Benjamin Hawkins. Lear returned Knox’s draft later on this date noting that “the President approves of the Answer of the Secy to Govr Martin’s letter” (DLC:GW). Knox’s letter to Martin has not been identified.