From George Washington to Giuseppe Ceracchi, 10 May 1792
To Giuseppe Ceracchi
Phila. May 10th 1792
The President of the United States presents his Compliments to Mr Ciracchi and with many thanks for his offer of the very elegant figures sent him, begs leave to restore them again to Mr Ciracchi.1 His situation calling for uniformity of conduct in these cases, he relies that Mr Ciracchi will ascribe it in the presen[t]2 instance to its true motives, and accept the assurances the President now gives of the high sense he entertains of his talents & merit.
AL, MH; Df (letterpress copy), in Thomas Jefferson’s hand, DLC: Jefferson Papers; LB, DLC:GW. Jefferson’s draft, which is entitled “Sketch of Note to mr Ciracchi,” is dated 12 Mar. 1792.
1. Ceracchi had sent the “very elegant” marble busts of Ariadne and Bacchus to GW in 1791. Although not wishing to own them, GW, as a favor to the artist, displayed the pieces at the presidential mansion for the next three years (see Ceracchi to GW, 31 Oct. 1791, source note).
2. GW mistakenly wrote the word “presence” on the AL; the correct word, “present,” is found in both Jefferson’s draft and the letter-book copy.