George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1790

To Thomas Jefferson

Saturday June 19th 1790

The enclosed Letters & documents from Mr Gouvr Morris are sent for the perusal of the Secretary of State.1

The private letters from the Marquis de la Fayette and Mr Payne he also gives Mr Jefferson a sight of; because there are some ideas in the latter which are new—and in the former, geneneral information respecting the affairs of France, which, by being compar’d with other accts may (though not of very late date, but from the respectibility of the authority) enable one to form a better judgment of the situation of things in that Country, than they could do from any single relation of them.

AL, DLC: Jefferson Papers.

1The enclosures to this letter included Gouverneur Morris to GW, 1 May 1790, with its enclosures, Lafayette to GW, 17 Mar. 1790, and Thomas Paine to GW, 1 May 1790.

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