George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Timothy Bloodworth, 5 June 1790

From Timothy Bloodworth

June 5th 1790


with the utmost defidence I proceed to exercize a priviledge founded in youre indulgence. that of Mentioning Carrecters to fill offices, created by the Adoption of the Constitution, & Ceedure of the Western Country, By North Carolina thiss subject are more irksom, as I consider it out of the line of my Duty, and only warrentable by youre permission. through thiss Chanel I venture to mention Coll⟨l⟩ William Blount, as a Carrecter which I have reason to Believe, would afford satisfaction to the Inhabitants as a Governer. thiss Belief is founded in the attention paid to him by their Members. & the people Electing him a Member for the Last Convention.

for judges David Campble, at present judge in that place also Mr Robert Hays, or Howel Tateham secretary. th⟨esse⟩ are carrecters with whome I have no personal acquaintance for States Attorney in the western Country Mr Edward Jones. with thiss Gentleman I have a personal acquaintance, he supports a good Carrecter, & has been twice return’d for the Town of Wilmington. with respect to Judge for North Carolina, Mr Samuel Spencer one of oure State Judges, has express’d his Desire to fill that station. several Gentlemen have signifyed their Desire to be appointed States Attorney. viz: Mr Arnet, Mr Hambleton, Mr John Hay of Fayettville. & som of my Colliegues have Mentioned Mr John Sitgraves. who is a gentleman of Carrecter & represented the State in Congress in the Year 17851 Pleas to excuse the Liberty I have taken. With every sentiment of Esteem Due to Youre exalted Merrit I remain. sir. Youre Devoted Humble Servant

Timothy Bloodworth


Timothy Bloodworth (1736–1814) was one of the most conspicuous political leaders in North Carolina during the Revolutionary era. Born in poverty, he received no formal education. At various times in his life Bloodworth was apparently a teacher, tavern keeper, ferry master, preacher, blacksmith, wheelwright, watchmaker, and farmer. He was first elected to the legislature in 1758 and was returned repeatedly in the following thirty-five years. An early supporter of the Revolution in North Carolina, Bloodworth was elected to the Continental Congress in 1784 and 1787. From 1787 to 1789 Bloodworth was one of the leading Antifederalists in the state. An unsuccessful candidate for the Senate in 1789, he was elected to the House of Representatives in 1790 (Powell, Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, description begins William S. Powell, ed. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. 6 vols. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1979–96. description ends 1:177).

1Bloodworth’s recommendations for judicial appointments in North Carolina and the Territory South of the River Ohio were similar to those of his North Carolina colleagues in the House of Representatives, Hugh Williamson, John Steele, and John B. Ashe (see Williamson to GW, 28 May 1790, Steele to GW, 4 June 1790, and Ashe to GW, 5 June 1790). Probably at GW’s request, Jefferson combined the recommendations of these four, along with those of others, in a single memorandum (see Memorandum of Thomas Jefferson, c.7 June 1790).

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