To George Washington from Beverley Randolph, 7 May 1790
From Beverley Randolph
Richmond [Va.] May 7th 1790.
I do myself the Honour to inclose you a Letter from Colo. Clendenen Lieutenant of Kanawha covering Letters received by him from Colonels Lewis, and Rankins, on the subject of Indian depredations,1 and am with the highest Respect &c.
Beverley Randolph
LB, Vi: Executive Letter Book.
1. Among the enclosures was probably “a letter from Robert Rankins, of Kantuckey, directed to Col. Thomas Lewis at the mouth of Kanawa, representing many depredations lately commited by the Indians, also his letter enclosing the same to him. He says that it is unnecessary for him to mention anything respecting their situation other than they are collected in bodies, and wait the moment when the savages will make a formidable attack to depopulate our settlements on the Ohio and Kanawa.” The letter was forwarded to Beverley Randolph in a letter from George Clendinen (Clendenin), county lieutenant of Kanawha County, 15 April 1790 ( 5:138).