From George Washington to David Stuart, 11 April 1790
To David Stuart
New York April 11th 1790
Dear Sir,
I have given my consent in the manner the law directs, to the agreement you have made with Mr Alexander; and, agreeably to your desire, have this day forwarded it under cover to Mr Lund Washington;1 being persuaded, under the existing circumstances, it is better to do this than hazard a decision at Law—but it is a strange affair!
I wrote to you a few days ago, and directed for you at Abingdon or Richmond;2 and hope, as it is to Williamsburgh you are going, that the letter came to hand before you set out. The question of assumption has not been taken yet—when decided, I wish it may be for the best; it has been fully, & I think ably discussed; but the majority will be small on whichever side it happens; which, in questions of such magnitude, is to be regretted.
As this letter will have to travel to Williamsburgh, I shall take another opportunity to forward such original papers as you have transmitted to me. When you return, I should be glad to learn from you in what temper and state of politic’s you found the Country—such information would be always satisfactory; and may be very useful. I am—Dear Sir Your Obedt & affecte
Go: Washington
ALS, ViMtvL.
This letter concerns Stuart’s protracted negotiations with Robert Alexander on behalf of John Parke Custis’s estate. For background, see Stuart to GW, 14 July 1789, n.7, 12 Sept., 3 Dec. 1789, 11, 15 Mar., 2 April 1790, GW to Stuart, 21 Sept. 1789, 23, 28 Mar. 1790, Edmund Randolph to GW, 23 Dec. 1789.
1. Letter not found.
2. GW is probably referring to his letter to Stuart of 28 Mar. 1790.