George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Anthony Wayne, 20 March 1790

From Anthony Wayne

Richmond State of Georgia 20th March 1790


Nothing but the particular ⟨illegible⟩ of an Officer of merit which request I cou’d not refuse shou’d have induced me to intrude upon your Excellency’s time at a season when I know it must be precious—but as the Object which he has ⟨in View⟩ might be lost by any delay—I take the Liberty to mention Colo. James Armstrong1—who wishes an Appointment in one of the Regiments which are expected to be raised he wou’d prefer Dragoons to the foot Service if any such establishment takes place, he however has been accustomed to both, & was an Officer in Canada in the Pennsa Lines early in 1776 & afterwards a Capt. of Dragoons in Colo. Lees Legion & highly esteemed by that Gallant partisan—not only for his bravery which is not to be Questioned but Conduct & continued to preserve and merit that esteem until the close of the War even after which he became a Citizen of this State & has alternately been a member of the House of Representatives or Council ever since he lately Commanded the troops raised for the protection of the Frontiers which have been members disbanded for some time.2

shou’d an Opening offer & that it is con⟨illegible⟩ with your Excellency’s Opinion—to nominate him for rank he wishes it will add to the Obligations already confered upon Your Excellency’s most Obt Hume Servt

Anty Wayne

ADfS, MiU-C: Wayne Papers.

1James Armstrong had also served in Armand’s Partisan Corps during the Revolution. After the war he settled in Georgia. Armstrong was not immediately given a military appointment, but during the Quasi-War he served as a major in the 5th Infantry from July 1799 to June 1800.

2At this point Wayne wrote and crossed out “a representative in the present house assembly & one of the minority on the late Imprudent Cessions of the Western or ⟨Yazo⟩ Lands.” For the Yazoo land companies, see Henry Knox to GW, 15 Feb. 1790, n.1.

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