To George Washington from Robert Morris, 13 March 1790
From Robert Morris
Dear SirNew York 13th March 1790
The letters sent herewith are from Madam De Miralles, after you have had them translated so that you can be informed of her wishes I will do myself the Honor to wait upon you in order to Converse on the Subject1—with perfect respect your obedient & hble servt
Robt Morris
1. Maria Josepha Elirio de la Puente Miralles was the widow of Don Juan de Miralles (1705–1780), first Spanish agent to the United States who died while visiting GW’s headquarters at Morristown on 28 April 1780. Miralles’s death left his wife, who had remained in Havana, with the care of their eight children. See GW to Diego Jose de Navarro, 30 April 1780, Maria de la Puente Miralles to GW, 6 July 1780, and GW to Maria de la Puente Miralles, 13 Oct. 1780. The letters enclosed by Morris have not been found, but they may have concerned private finances. In July 1781 Morris instructed Robert Smith, U.S. agent in Havana, to ask Madame de Miralles to allow him to invest money left by her husband in the Bank of North America (Morris to Smith, 17 July 1781, DNA:PCC, item 137).