George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Irvine, 4 March 1790

From William Irvine

New york 4th March 1790


I take the liberty to inclose you a copy of the proposed Constitution for Pennsylvania, which was transmitted to me, by a member of the Convention for that purpose.1 I have the honor to be most respectfully Sir your most obedient & Most humble Servant

Wm Irvine

ALS, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters.

1In November 1789 a constitutional convention convened in Philadelphia to replace the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. The first session, November 1789 to February 1790, formulated a preliminary draft of a constitution. It was undoubtedly a copy of this document that Irvine sent to GW. The second session of the convention, August to September 1790, produced a new constitution modeled on the federal Constitution. Irvine was a member of the convention.

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