George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Josef Ignacio de Viar, 26 February 1790

From Josef Ignacio de Viar

New York Febry 26th 1790


I have just now Receiv’d three letters for your Excellency under Cover of the Post-master General of St Augustin at East Florida, which I have the honor of sending to your Excellency herein enclosed without losing the least time.1 Sir I am with great Regard and esteem Your Exellency’s most obt and humble Servt

Joseph Ignat[iu]s Viar

ALS, DNA: RG 59, Notes from the Spanish Legation.

1These letters have not been identified, but one of the letters was addressed to Joseph Barrell, a New York merchant. Tobias Lear wrote Barrell on 27 Feb. that the letter transmitted by the Spanish chargé d’affaires “was under a cover directed to the President of Congress of the United States, and accompanied by a letter addressed in the same manner, which I herewith enclose that you may see the cause of your letter being conveyed through this channel” (DLC:GW).

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