George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Patrick Lemmon, 23 February 1790

From Patrick Lemmon

New york Febry 23rd 1790

Dear Sir

I have came from beauretout County, in the State of Virginia to recieve pay fir my Service while in the american army under Capt. Thomas Price from Frederick Town in Mireland1 and have made application to the board of War and my name not being found in the meriland Register, they have refused to pay my demand. my distress is great for I am advanced in years, Cripled by War and stand in great need of my Right. if you thirefore Sir would interfere in my behalf with board of War I will give the most convincing proofs of my Fidelity. I am Sir your old fellow Soldier and Faithful Servt

Patrick Lemmon

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

1In addition to his service with Capt. Thomas Price in the Maryland Rifle Company, Lemmon’s name appears as enlisted in Moses Rawlings’s regiment “for & during the War” and as serving as a private enlisted for three years with Capt. Philip Griffith’s company in the 4th Maryland Regiment. He was “on Detachment with General [William] Woodford” as a waiter from April to September 1778 (Calendar of Maryland State Papers, the Red Books [Annapolis, 1955], no. 4, pt. 3, pp. 61–62; Archives of Maryland, Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution [Baltimore, 1900], 302).

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