Tobias Lear to Gerard Bancker, 20 February 1790
Tobias Lear to Gerard Bancker
United States [New York] Februy 20th 1790
I have been favored with your Letter of th⟨is⟩ date,1 accompanying a Sett of the Laws of the St⟨ate⟩ of New York, as lately revised, which you sent for ⟨the use⟩ of the President of the United States, in pursuan⟨ce of⟩ concurrent Resolutions of the Senate & Assembly of ⟨the⟩ State of New York.
The Sett of Laws has been delivered to th⟨e President⟩ of the United States, who requests that his th⟨anks may be⟩ presented to the Honorable the Senate & ⟨Assembly of the⟩ State of New York, for this M⟨ark of their attention to⟩ him; and at the same tim⟨e he desires that you⟩ will receive his acknow⟨ldgements for your⟩ politeness in trans⟨mitting them.⟩ I have ⟨the honor to be with due consideration Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt
Tobias Lear
Secry to the Presid. of the U. S.⟩
AL⟨S⟩, N; ADfS, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DLC:GW. Material in angle brackets is taken from the draft in DNA.
1. The letter from Gerard Bancker, treasurer for the state of New York, transmitting the laws on behalf of the New York legislature, 20 Feb. 1790, is in DLC:GW.