To George Washington from Henry Knox, 20 January 1790
From Henry Knox
War Office [New York] January 20th 1790.
I have but this moment been able to obtain two correct copies of the plan for the Militia.1 I will have the honor if convenient to you to wait upon you at nine O Clock tomorrow morning to receive your orders respecting it. I have the honor to be Sir, with the highest respect Your Most Obedient Servant
H. Knox
1. GW noted on 20 Jan. that Knox’s report “altered agreeably to the ideas I had communicated to him was presented to me, in order to be laid before Congress” and wrote the next day that it “was accordingly transmitted to both houses of Congress by the Secretary at War in a written message from me” ( , 6:10; Knox to GW, 18 Jan. 1790; GW to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 21 Jan. 1790).