Tobias Lear to Alexander Hamilton, 18 January 1790
Tobias Lear to Alexander Hamilton
United States [New York] January 18th 1790
By order of the President of the United States, I do myself the honor to transmit you a letter from His Excellency Thomas Jefferson The Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the United States, dated at Paris Augt 27th 1789,1 and likewise the copy of a letter from Messrs Wilhem & Jan Willinck, N. & I. Van Stephorst & Hubbard to Mr Jefferson, dated at Amsterdam 13th Augt 17892—both of which the President wishes may be returned to him, when you have duly considered those parts of them which relate to the Finances of the United States. I have the honor to be with perfect respect Sir Your most obedient Servt
Tobias Lear
Secretary to the President
of the United States
1. See GW’s Memoranda on Thomas Jefferson’s Letters, 1789, and notes. In addition to discussing financial matters, Jefferson’s communications abstracted by GW also presented the news of the capture of the schooner Polly of Salem, Mass., Joseph Proctor, master. See Giuseppe Chiappe to GW, 18 July 1789, and GW to Sidi Mohammed, 1 Dec. 1789; 6:186–88; and 15:340–42, 356–61.
2. The copy of Wilhem and Jan Willink, Nicholaas and Jacob Van Staphorst, and Nicholas Hubbard’s letter to Jefferson was made by William Short. The receiver’s copy is in DLC: Thomas Jefferson Papers ( 15:342–44; 6:188–90).