George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 9 January 1790

From Francis Adrian Van der Kemp

Kingston [N.Y.] 9 Jan. 1790.


The offer of your Excellency’s Services to the Patriots and friends to the rights of mankind, with which I was honoured by Your Excellency’s favourable letter of 28 May 1788, encouraged me to recommend to your Excellency’s attention Mr S. T. G. Mappa, a Gentleman of a distinguished character amongst the Patriots.1 Upon the advice of respectable men in Europe the advice of his Excellency Jefferson he brought with him a curious letter fondery—wanting to this moment in America, at the value of more than 3000 £ currency. It wil be a blessing for every branch of literature, and every liberal improvements, if that Gentleman meets any encouragement in his undertaking; which can not fail if he is happy enough to be patronised by your Excellency.

Your Excellency wil pardon the trouble, which I occasion unwillingly, daring not neglect Such as fair opportunity of recommending a worthy Subject to Your Excellency’s benevolence and assuring that I am with Sentiments of the highest esteem and respect Sir! your most obedient and Humble Servant

Fr. Adr. Vanderkemp


1Van der Kemp is referring to the printer Adam Gerard Mappa who arrived in New York in December 1789. See Thomas Paine to GW, 16 Oct. 1789, n.1.

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