To George Washington from Charles Morrell, 15 December 1789
From Charles Morrell
15 Decemr 1789
Pardon me a straing boy for troubling your Excellency on so extrordnor an ocasion, I am the s[on] of James Morell an offcer in the Ammerecan army under Excellencys emedeat Command, but by the war is reduced to poverty unable to help him selfe or me, bound me to a Traid my master beate me severely my father applyd to a Court of justice who releaved me I have acquired as mutch of the traid as will Enable me to carey on the business—Could but prevail on the noble generous mind to aid me a little with Cash to purchess Tools with, Mr John jay hes lent me Three Pounds four shillings untill may nixt Mr John Franklin promisesed to answer as mutch, Could I but prevail on your Excellencys jenerous mind to do me the like favour four Pounds will set m[e] to work and Enable me to assis my father with his large famely help my selfe return the money by may or June with Every degree of thanks I am your Excellencys Most obedeant & verey Humble Sert
Charles Morrell
I wait at your Excellencys dore.
No additional information on Morrell and his problems has been found. GW evidently sent a message to Morrell since on 21 Dec. he wrote GW that “agreeable to your Excellencys desier I waited on Mr Jay but for several days could not have Excess to him in the end he appeared not to be Satisfyed that I had troubled your Excellency on such an ocasion and would not give me a certificate of the money that he him selfe had advansed what to do on the ocasion is more then I can tell I am a burthen to my Parents who are pore insted of assisting them I have got a grait part of my Tools but what way to pay for the remender is more then I can find out” (DLC:GW). There is no evidence that GW made a contribution to Morrell.