George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Washington, 8 December 1789

From George Washington

Tarboh North Carolina December 8th 1789

Honr’d Sir

Since the adoption of the Constitution in this State, I have undertaken though with a trembling heart to ask your intrest in appointing me an Officer in the Naval department of this State, for my maintainance, though I must seriously acknowledge to you that I little deserve it, But I must inform your honnor that I am at this Period voi’d both of Fortune & friends, which induce’s me to implore your most gracious Benevolence, when I reflect on your extensive Humanity I flatter myself with a feeble hope of acquireing your Paternal attention, there are four Ports in this State, Edentown Washington Bath & Wilmington & should your unden’yable Humanity grant me a Commission, I would rather chuse the latter should it meet with your approbation, Complying with my request will ever be reflected on by your distres’d Petitioner

Geo. Washington


No information on this George Washington has been found, and there is no indication he received any federal appointment.

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