To George Washington from William Shepard, 5 December 1789
From William Shepard
Newbern N. Carolina 5th Decer 1789
The State of North Carolina having ratified the Federal Constitution, I beg leave to Offer myself to your Excellency as a Candidate for the Naval Office of this Port.
When the Senators proceed to Congress I shall forward Testimonials of my Character, and Abilities to perform the Duties of the Office. In the Interim I have the Honor to be with great Respect Your Excellencies Most Humble Servant
William Shepard
In July 1790 Shepard again wrote to GW, this time from New York City, requesting the post of loan officer for North Carolina, representing himself as “a person qualified to discharge the duties of such an Office. I am a Native and citizen of that State, am well acquainted wth Accounts and am possessed of property sufficient to enable me to give good Security for the faithful performance of the trust.” For his references he named, among others, Samuel Johnston, Benjamin Hawkins, and Hugh Williamson, all of North Carolina (Shepard to GW, 29 July 1790, DLC:GW). Shepard was not successful in his application for either office.