To George Washington from Sampson Brown, 28 October 1789
From Sampson Brown
Wednesday morning, 8 oClock [28 October 1789]
Permit me with every sentiment of duty and submission to intrude the following lines, nothing doubting they will have a suitable effect upon the Guardian of Columbia, and the particular friend of Wounded Veterans.
From a train of accidents Sir, I have but the necessary written vouchers of my being an Invalid; and the original Officers to procure others from are uncomatable by me at present. which circumstances lays me under the disagreeable apprehension, “that I shall be deprived by that means of the benefit which will be the result of your late Orders for the benefit of the Corps of Invalids;” tho I have sufficient evidences present, Gentlemen of rank and Character, who can avouch for my transferr and Identity.
As I have formerly been employed about your person, I flatter myself you will recognize me at first view; which induces me to presume upon your verbal Orders, for which I most submissively attend your pleasure: and am with every sentiment of unfeigned respect and with my most ardent prayers for your present and future Happiness, Sir Your most Devoted Humble Servant
Sampson Brown
Sampson Brown is listed in the 1790 census as a resident of Boston (
[Massachusetts], 190).